MA Interpreting

MA Interpreting

Attending the mock conferences at the MA Interpreters course, London Metropolitan University is certainly a great experience.  Not only do I get to hear some good voices – especially good when you hear how far the students have come with interpreting and with vocal delivery – but I also get to hear informative and interesting speeches on subjects of which I have no previous knowledge:

Produire en France ou Delocaliser?
Who actually creates jobs: start-ups, small businesses or big corporations?
The Renault Case
Public Private Partnerships on employment opportunites
The Green Industry to the Rescue – Future Job Growth
The Spanish Global Case
Long Term vs short-term thinking in business and implications on job creation

Today one group of interpreting students set off to Luxembourg for a placement at the Court of Justice of the European Union, while another group had just returned from the EU Parliament in Brussels.
It is no co-incidence that graduates of this course also find work as broadcasters and producers.  Credit must go to the dynamic head of department – Danielle D’Hayer and a fine group of tutors:  Linda Liu, Chinese; Gabriela Bocanete, Romanian; Max Zanotti, Italian; Michelle Vaughn, Polish and French, Nathalie Brooksbank, French; Rob Russell, Portuguese; Teresa Grau, Spanish; Udo Jorg, German.
Danielle D'Hayer